
Whose Diabetes Treatment Recommendations are Correct?

Primary care physicians are expected to be experts on dozens of different disease states despite the fact that each medical problem continues to evolve, with new understanding of the disease itself and its treatments. Frankly, I see this as a near impossible task since as an endocrinologist I can barely keep up with diabetes (in reality I can’t).

Cinnamon: A Therapeutic Alternative?

Alternative medicine (also known as complementary medicine) has become a multibillion dollar industry. A subset of complementary medicine is dietary supplements–many of which may hold promise as adjuncts to more traditional therapies and treatments. The evidence basis for many of these ”therapies,” however, often remains immature and at best anecdotal in nature. 
At the same time interest amongst the public and traditional healthcare providers has increased in recent years, as have formal studies with increasing scientific rigor led by the NIH and other prominent aca

Can Current Drug Therapy Prevent Beta Cell Failure and Bring Treatment Durability in T2DM?

A hot topic in the type 2 diabetes world is whether we have in hand the tools to stop the decline in beta cell function that typifies this disease and, consequently, a therapy or therapies that successfully control blood glucose for many years – so-called treatment durability. Actually this is three topics. What are the specific mechanisms for the beta cell failure? Do any of our existing therapies, or those on the drawing board, reverse these mechanisms to slow or stop the beta cell failure?

Family Medicine View On Case 1: Pre-Diabetes

Do you recognize this patient?  I have seen him in my office, or a person just like him. The Center for Disease Control (CDC, HHS) estimates that 57 million people in the U.S. have pre-diabetes. (1) If you look, you can probably recognize a person like this in every primary care office in the U.S. Unfortunately we still don’t have an evidence-based answer for the best therapeutic course for treatment of pre-diabetes.