Editorial Contributor

Jennifer Larsen, MD


Director, Center for Clinical and Translational Research
Associate Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research
Section Chief, Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism
University of Nebraska Medical Center

As the first associate dean for Clinical Research for the College of Medicine and director of Clinical and Translational Research, Dr. Larsen has consolidated the clinical and translational research resources of UNMC and its partner institutions. She also serves as the section chief of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolism and was directly involved in developing the UNMC-The Nebraska Medical Center Diabetes Center. The Louise and Morton Degen Professor of Internal Medicine, Dr. Larsen has focused her research on the metabolic consequences of organ transplantation.

She co-authored the American Diabetes Association Position Statement on Pancreas and Islet Transplantation, the 2003 National Kidney Foundation (NKF) task force on Diabetes and Kidney Transplantation, and was a member of the NKF task force for the evaluation of the Living Donor for Kidney Transplantation. Her current research, funded by the National Institutes of Health, evaluates the role of potential nontraditional risk factors in vascular disease after kidney transplantation.

Dr. Larsen has also worked with many regional Native American tribes to evaluate novel risk factors and effective strategies that reduce risk of diabetes in youth and adults. She serves on the advisory committee for the Northern Plains Tribal Epidemiology Center, which is focused on reducing health disparities for the 18 tribes of the Aberdeen Area. She also is the program director for the Center's IHS- and NIH-funded Native American Research Center for Health grant. Nationally, she has held multiple leadership positions within the American Federation of Clinical Research, the Association for Program Directors in Endocrinology and Metabolism and The Endocrine Society.